Blending Tastes and Traditions


Through Pemmican Patty we hope to shine a light on the beauty of blending tastes and traditions in our everyday lives. Cultural blending has long enhanced the human experience and continues to do so today. The Anishinaabe of Turtle Island (North America) first migrated out around the great lakes. Trade and intermarriages occurred for centuries before Europeans arrived.

The blending of French & Scot cultures with First Nations (Cree, Salteaux, Dene & Dakota) created the Indigenous nation known as Metis’. Bison hunts using Red River carts, spirited dancing to a blend of fiddle and drum rhythms, colorful floral beadwork and embroidery designs are a just few of the ways that the blending of cultures enriched so many lives. The Metis’ were by far the most multilingual group of early inhabitants of Canada due to their connections with both First Nation and European cultures.

Pemmican was one of the blends of this nations bounty that nourished it’s early people. Without it, survival through lean times may have been impossible. We look forward to sharing a blend of goodness in our new bison-beef and berry (pemmican-style) bars coming soon!