Garden success, community building, and tradition

As I reflect on the success of our garden this year, I can’t help but think about the importance of community and connection to our Indigenous roots. Gardening not only provides us with fresh produce, but it also allows us to connect with nature and each other. It was a treat getting to see the Pemmican Patty Food Company elders have a wonderful time with this year’s crops. With a twist on the traditional Three Sisters Garden in mind, we planted two types of corn, two types of sunflowers and Ukrainian squash.

Throughout the season, we faced challenges such as hail and rainstorms that threatened our crops. But through perseverance and determination, we were able to overcome these obstacles and still end up with a bountiful harvest.

We have yet to harvest the remainder of the crops but are excited to begin next year’s planning, and hope to expand our garden even further.

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose touch with nature and each other. By tending to a garden as a group, we are able to slow down and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings while strengthening relationships with those around us.

I encourage others to also start their own gardens, even if it’s just a small one. You never know what kind of growth and beauty it can bring into your life. Happy harvesting!


PS: Below are photos arranged in chronological order of what our garden faced this season.